Tuesday, July 12, 2005

how low can you go

i stooped (which some say is better than hitting your head). or rather, i sold out to the blogging demons.

it all started when somegirl mentioned she suprisingly found she loved the attention of comments. i thought i wouldn't mind them, but that i would much rather have fun as an anonymous entity in cyberspace.

however, after only a short time blogging, i was getting edgy for my fix of comments. sure, somegirl wrote back to me, but she doesn't count because she is required to comment by the friend pact we sealed with blood those many years ago.

some blog i looked at had 100+ comments a day. maybe i didn't want that much, but i wanted some. i wanted them bad.

so i did it. i emailed people i knew with my blog address. good bye anonymity. hello fame- here i come!

no, seriously. it's not like i censor myself in front of people i know. geez, who does that? isn't everyone supposed to know everything about you? tis always been my policy. and now, not only can i re-visit that habit, but i can also greatly aid my friends in their procrastisurfing. (dude, i think i totally just made up a word- dibs!)

so enjoy... and write me damnit!


caz said...

ker, (hopefully you read this) yeah, it makes you not be able to make comments unless you have your own blog- this i am changing tonight when i get home to my 'better' computer. i think anyone should be able to write me! but i didn't do it accidently. i wanted a blog (the scary truth comes out!) so maybe now you do too.... :-)

Robert Allen Zimmerman said...

So good to see you Kerri, Caz I am going to give you a crash course in bloging (linking and stuff) because I know you're tech savy (heheh) and because I think with time you'll kick my ass in blogging, you're more of a natural writer what with all the journals.

Kisses, see you soon.