Friday, July 08, 2005

introducing, live from the mountains of upstate new york...


welcome to my blog!

i know it won't be nearly as interesting as some (shameless plug for laughing all the way) but i can only aspire.

i haven't decided exactly what shape this adventure will take yet... we will see.

but i did want to tell a story about my day today. it started with two (yes, count them, two!) incredibly deep conversations about life. i rarely average one a week, let alone two in one day, so you can imagine the catch up my brain was doing all day. the first convo was with a good friend i have known since i was a little girl. the second with a woman i've only recently met, yet both conversations had similar themes coursing throughout.

we talked about choices. something i am faced with a lot lately. who should i be dating? is he the absolute right one for me? what should i do with my life? should i take this job? my one friend pointed out that we only have issues with the grass being greener option because we have free choice. all those people in arranged marriages, they just take what they get and learn to work with it. i only question if i am with the right person or taking the right career path because i recognize that there are endless possibilities. and i have a right to check out all of them. my questions weren't resolved today but i gained a lot more insight about them.

like, i need to get me some blinders. or an arranged marriage!

so on my drive home, after mulling over these convos for the better part of a day, i sensed a great wave of feeling wash over me. it was an odd sensation. one i knew i had experienced before, but not in a long time. i spent the majority of my 45 minute commute trying to recognize the calm inside me. as i crested a hill on the four lane strip mall road that eventually leads to the mountains in which i live, it hit me. this feeling, the one i hadn't had since living in edinburgh and london, since summers at camp, was one of belongingness. i suddenly realized how happy and comfortable i was/am to be in the place where i stand.

what better an epiphany to start a blog with, yeah?

i could delve more, but my eyes are rapidly objecting by slowly closing.

1 comment:

Robert Allen Zimmerman said...

like, i need to get me some blinders. or an arranged marriage!

Only you.