Friday, July 08, 2005

shout out to nancy griffith

okay, so i know folk isn't the 'coolest' music genre out there but i can't help loving it. (maybe this is what happens when you are raised by hippies.) whenever i hear the cover nancy griffith does of this song ("can't help but wonder where i'm bound") i just have to sit back and smile. especially the part that goes something like this (excuse the butchering nancy) "it's a long and dusty road and a hot and heavy load, the folks i meet ain't always kind. some are bad and some are good, some have done the best they could to help me ease my troubling mind". speaking of nancy, there is another song on that same album (or maybe it's the same song- too tired to figure it out) that also rings so true for me, especially at this point in my life where i have moved back home to small town america soley to be with my love. this songs helps me remember that there are other good things about living in small towns. "the sidewalks gleam with neon dreams that call from time to time. and when my childrens' children ask me why i didn't go, i'll say the heart of any town is the people that you know. and they'll always call you home"


Robert Allen Zimmerman said...

I am the first commenter! Yeah. Woo hoo. Do a dance, throw a party, I'm that cool.

Okay, I need to sit down and take a breather.

Right, so when you get the chance call me, I'll show you how to really make this thing spin. We'll make this baby all about you.

Robert Allen Zimmerman said...

Oh I forgot to say, that last line from that song, so good, brought a little tear to my eye. You with the perfect song for every occasion and emotion, bah, I need a tissue.